Free How-To Information: How to Apply Your Foam Latex Mask

Learn about how to apply foam latex masks and appliances, what adhesive to use, how to hide the edges and add makeup to bring your character to life.  You’ll also learn how to remove your mask or appliance and store it properly.

To get your free copy, simply download our Foam Latex Masks and Prosthetic Appliances Makeup Application guide (PDF).

Get Inspired!

Take a look at some of our characters and get inspired!  Whether it’s an anime character, super hero, character from your favorite show, a Star Trek™ character or zombie, we have what you’ll need to get the best results.

Get Started

Just Starting Out?

Check out our foam latex makeup application kit.  You’ll get everything you need in one kit.

Already a Professional or Enthusiast?


Visit our online store to stock up on items for your next production, convention or Halloween.



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